Folds of Honor Foundation
Folds of Honor Foundation is committed to the families of the armed services who have been wounded or killed while serving our great nation. We salute these heroic men and women, and have consequently established Folds of Honor Children’s Scholarship Fund (CSF) to ensure no military family is left behind or forgotten. FHF through the Children’s Scholarship Fund seeks to provide scholarships for Primary and Secondary Education (K through 12) for children of service members killed or 90 to 100 % disabled while serving in a combat zone in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) or Operation New Dawn (OND).
Children of deployed service members are particularly vulnerable to stresses and trauma related to a parent(s) serving in a combat zone for an extended period of time. Repeat deployments, the loss of parents and parents suffering from combat-related injuries have dramatically impacted our children. As a nation, it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to support military families. CSF scholarships exist to subsidize the costs of tuition, approved tutoring, school uniforms, schoolbooks, fees, after school educational programs, and approved educational summer camps.
The Folds of Honor Foundation was founded in 2007 by Major Dan Rooney, a former F-16 pilot, golf course owner, PGA Professional and USGA member. A Major in the Air National Guard and a decorated military aviator, Rooney has served three combat tours in Iraq. After returning from his second tour, Major Rooney witnessed a profound situation that drove him to create the Folds of Honor Foundation.
Scholarship Eligibility
Children’s Scholarship Fund is established for military children in grades K though 12 whose service member parent(s) meets one of the following eligibility requirements:
· Killed in action in support of OIF, OEF, OND;
· Killed in the Line of Duty while deployed in a combat zone in support of OIF, OEF, OND;
· Wounded in Action with a 90 to 100% VA disability rating in support of OIF,OEF, OND;
· Disabled in the Line of Duty with a 90 to 100% VA disability rating while deployed in a combat zone in support of OIF, OEF, OND.
How to Apply
Folds of Honor Foundation accepts CSF applications beginning early February 2013 until April 30, 2013. Interested individuals should complete and submit an application, as well as provide satisfactory evidence of meeting the existing eligibility requirements.
Application Deadline
Application deadline for private school tuition is April 30, 2013.
Our Calling
Over 700,000 soldiers have been killed or disabled in the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan–Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn. These service members’ families exceed the national average of 2.5 dependents per household. As of January 1, 2012, over one million dependents have been adversely affected by multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 87% of the dependents affected by the recent wars do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance. While the federal government provides some support for these families, it cannot succeed alone without proactive civilian organizations to assist.
The need is great, and, to paraphrase the words of Patrick Henry, their battle is ours. As Americans, we feel a collective duty to honor those who have sacrificed by serving the families they leave behind.