Waddell White Tank Foothills and surrounding Communities may be Under Saige of Elements that want to destroy the Suburbs

It appears that the corporation are purchasing multiple homes in the suburbs of Phoenix and leasing and allowing multiple subleasing in one small home unit to very low income people who appears to bring some discussing fifthly habits with them that are allowing thier the suburbs as we have known them to be utterly destroyer.
The traditional policing approach of waiting for enough evidence to serve a search warrant often results in a solution that comes too late to preserve community livability. Most communities can handle some short-term drug activity without suffering substantial harm to the neighborhood’s livability. But when drug operations are allowed
to continue unabated for months, or even years, the harm to the community becomes extreme.
In many instances, by the time the drug dealers are removed, many good citizens have already left the neighborhood, property values have declined, other good citizens have chosen not to move into the area, and those left behind face life
in a neighborhood that is now much more vulnerable to crime. In a community-oriented context, search warrants must be seen as just one of many tools available to address drug problems, not as the only available tool. If a warrant cannot be served quickly enough prevent major harm to a community, other (often civil) solutions
should be pursued.
Most landlords are not skilled in the prevention of illegal activity on rental property but are willing to learn. Community organizers noticed that, despite the commonly held image that all landlords with problem tenants are irresponsible citizens, most landlords when contacted wanted to help but needed better information about how
to approach the problem. Clearly, there was an untapped resource in rental property owners. From the civil side of the law, landlords are the first line of defense when a tenant’s lease-violating behavior threatens neighborhood livability. As such, landlords who understand the scope of their ability to prevent illegal activity can be a valuable resource. Because most drug activity (growing, manufacturing, and distributing drugs) takes place on rental property
We are not sure why (in our opinion, the City, and HOAs may be looking the other way when Landwards are allowing very question people, family, multiple famines to reside in the suburbs of an area they clearly could not afford to purchase or rent without such homes; overcrowding a home with an excessive amount of families in a unit designed for one family. Perhaps its nothing more than greed.